2003-12-03 Karl M
       - remove -e option from ps use. See
       Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

setup.hint (same as on, this time with openssh not ssh) sdesc: "An OpenSSH key manager" ldesc: "Keychain is an OpenSSH key manager, typically run from ~/.bash_profile. When run, it will make sure ssh-agent is running; if not, it will start ssh-agent. It will redirect ssh-agent's output to ~/.ssh-agent, so that cron jobs that need to use ssh-agent keys can simply source this file and make the necessary passwordless ssh connections. In addition, when keychain runs, it will check with ssh-agent and make sure that the ssh RSA/DSA keys that you specified on the keychain command line have actually been added to ssh-agent. If not, you are prompted for the appropriate passphrases so that they can be added by keychain." category: Utils # cygwin contains kill and ps # sh-utils contains uname and whoami requires: openssh bash grep gawk sh-utils cygwin

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Hack Kampbjørn

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