I have built a custom mirror site of cygwin - based upon the well-known
mirrors, and updated today - Dec. 15, 2003.  It is a subset of the full
mirror and I am experiencing severe problems getting setup.exe to finish
successfully.  I can get the packages all downloaded by simply telling
it to install 'All' packages.  When it comes to installing cygwin, it
always fails around 98% finished.  The error popup displays:
'The dynamic link library cygiconv-2.dll could not be found in the
specified path ...'
The path is extensive, and looks to be OK compared to successfull cygwin

Everything I have read in the mailing lists points to some dependency
that I did not include in my mirror.  However, I did not get any
installation complaints during the setup process.  My questions are:
1. What package contains cygiconv-2.dll?  How do I determine that?
2. Is there some checking that can be done on the server side to trace

Bill Geddes <wgeddes at wgeddes dot com>

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