Dr. Volker Zell wrote:

    Charles> =================================
    Charles> 3) xemacs-emacs-common's setup.hint should be marked "conflicts: emacs"
    Charles> 4) xemacs-tags' setup.hint should be marked "conflicts: ctags"

Did we agree on this ? I cannot find any mention on it on

o http://cygwin.com/setup.html

That web page was written before setup.exe supported 'conflicts:'

I would rather stick with the behaviour as it is. I think naturally if
you want MSW mode just unset DISPLAY.

probably for the best.

Thanks for the review Charles
(btw. will you switch now to this version as mentioned in another thread?)

Already done. It's a *little* slower in MSW mode than my pure native xemacs, but not enough to annoy. In X mode (on my PIII-450, 512MB) it's a slow enough to be annoying, but not so much that it prevented me from reclaiming the 300MB used by my other cygwin and native xemacs installations.


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