Hash: SHA1

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

| Yaakov,
| This looks good.  The only two comments I have are:
| 1) You replaced '&&'s by ';' after 'fi's in install() (where they were
| needed), and left the one after 'find' in mkpatch() (where it was not).
| This is minor, and I edited the patch accordingly[*] -- just letting you
| know to expect conflicts with your local copy after the patch is applied.

Oh, THAT'S what you meant. I missed that one. Sorry.

| 2) Did you really mean to turn package signing on by default?  I, for
| example, don't use package signing for my packages, and don't even have
| GPG installed.  I'd rather the default setting was to not sign the
| packages, and signing could be turned on on a package-by-package basis.
| If you don't mind, I'll change that '1' to a '0' for now (please speak up
| if you disagree).  Alternatively, we could check for the existence of
| /usr/bin/gpg as one of the factors for turning on package signing,
| something like 'SIG=`[ ! -x /usr/bin/gpg ]; echo $?`', but that could come
| in a later patch.
| Once you respond to this, I'll apply the patch.  Thanks for contributing.
|     Igor
| [*] FYI, here are the diffs between the edited patch and the original:

Alright, everything looks fine. Go ahead and check it in.

When I see this clear on cygwin-cvs-apps, I'll start looking at my next
round of patches.  Thanks!


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