actually, this package, which i ripped and compiled from debian's latest
sources, includes dict, dictd, dictfmt and dictzip

unfortunately, i found the package setup instructions quite cumbersome, and
i am unable to devote too much time to maintain this package - so i was
hoping someone with more experience could submit this package faster =)

for the little that i was able to understand, i put together this makeshift
setup.hint file:
category: Text Utils Net
requires: cygwin
sdesc:  "DICT is a TCP dictionary server protocol"
ldesc:  "DICT is a TCP dictionary server protocol.
dictd is a TCP based server that allows a client to access dictionary
definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. dict is the
client that queries the dictd server. Since it is TCP based, it can access
servers on the local host, on a local network, or on the Internet."

I also have ready to submit the slightly modified src files (i had to remove
a gcc "-lc" option, which prevented me from compiling dictd), and the

I named them:

I also "stripped" the binaries, and placed them in /bin directory

So, yeah .. can someone please submit this package into cygwin =) .. i was
surprised that dictd wasn't included yet - it's extremely useful

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