On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 07:12:18PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Warren Young wrote:
>> Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> > Is there a better name than --mode?
>> It might be easier to use in a script if the syntax were more like this:
>> if [ cygpath --is-binary /tmp ] ; then ....
>In this case, it'll be "if cygpath --is-binary /tmp; then"...
>> cygpath would not have to print anything, but just return 1 or 0, as
>> appropriate.
>Well, the overhead of 'if [ `cygpath --mount-mode /tmp` = "binary" ]'[*]
>over that of your suggestion would be negligible...  And having one option
>with text output allows us to have outputs like "binary,managed" that can
>be parsed later instead of one option per mode...

Right.  That's why I liked outputting the text.

>[*] Perhaps "--access-mode" would be better than "--mount-mode"...

Does adding "access" really add anything to it, though?


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