On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 12:01:12AM -0500, Mark Blackburn wrote:
>I tried compiling coreutils-5.2.0 and I didn't see many problems with 
>that. Another problem I see is that coreutils will cause conflicts with 
>other packages: textutils, sh-utils and fileutils. Obviously coreutils 
>is intended to replace these packages so these packages would need to be 
>withdrawn if coreutils was included with cygwin.

I don't understand the point of this email.  If you are volunteering to
support coreutils, then thanks.

If you aren't then I'm not going to enter into YA discussion about these
issues.  I'll do that when someone actually volunteers and actually starts
doing work.


>I've tried to correlate all the binaries in textutils, sh-utils and 
>fileutils with those in coreutils and here is what I found:
>/usr/bin/kill.exe from coreutils conflicts with cygwin-1.5.7-1.
>New binaries in coreutils are:
> /usr/bin/[.exe
> /usr/bin/link.exe
> /usr/bin/stat.exe
> /usr/bin/unlink.exe
>I appear to be missing su.exe from coreutils but that's because it 
>didn't install for whatever reason. Other than that no binaries are 
>missing from coreutils that are in sh-utils, textutils and fileutils
>If coreutils were to be packaged I would assume that
>1) kill would not be included with coreutils so cygwin's kill would not 
>get overwritten.
>2) The binaries [.exe, link.exe, stat.exe and unlink.exe would be 
>included with coreutils.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src/coreutils/tmp
>$ tar jxf ../coreutils-5.2.0-1.tar.bz2
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src/coreutils/tmp
>$ tmp=`zcat /etc/setup/textutils.lst.gz | grep -e usr/bin/.*.exe`;  for 
>i in $tmp ; do ls $i ; done
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src/coreutils/tmp
>$ tmp=`zcat /etc/setup/fileutils.lst.gz | grep -e usr/bin/.*.exe`;  for 
>i in $tmp ; do ls $i ; done
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src/coreutils/tmp
>$ tmp=`zcat /etc/setup/sh-utils.lst.gz | grep -e usr/bin/.*.exe`;  for i 
>in $tmp ; do ls $i ; done
>ls: usr/bin/su.exe: No such file or directory
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src/coreutils/tmp
>$ cd usr/bin/
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src/coreutils/tmp/usr/bin
>$ for i in *.exe ; do echo -n $i" : ";tmp=`basename $i .exe`; echo 
>`cygcheck -f /usr/bin/$tmp` ; done
>[.exe :
>basename.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>cat.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>chgrp.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>chmod.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>chown.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>chroot.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>cksum.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>comm.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>cp.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>csplit.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>cut.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>date.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>dd.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>df.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>dir.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>dircolors.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>dirname.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>du.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>echo.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>env.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>expand.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>expr.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>factor.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>false.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>fmt.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>fold.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>head.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>hostid.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>hostname.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>id.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>install.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>join.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>kill.exe : cygwin-1.5.7-1
>link.exe :
>ln.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>logname.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>ls.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>md5sum.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>mkdir.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>mkfifo.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>mknod.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>mv.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>nice.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>nl.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>nohup.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>od.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>paste.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>pathchk.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>pinky.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>pr.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>printenv.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>printf.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>ptx.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>pwd.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>readlink.exe : cygutils-1.2.4-1
>rm.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>rmdir.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>seq.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>sha1sum.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>shred.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>sleep.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>sort.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>split.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>stat.exe :
>stty.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>sum.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>sync.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>tac.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>tail.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>tee.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>test.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>touch.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>tr.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>true.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>tsort.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>tty.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>uname.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>unexpand.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>uniq.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>unlink.exe :
>uptime.exe : procps-010801-2
>users.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>vdir.exe : fileutils-4.1-2
>wc.exe : textutils-2.0.21-1
>who.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>whoami.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>yes.exe : sh-utils-2.0.15-4
>Mark Blackburn

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