On Mar 18 15:23, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> >>Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >>>- The info pages are still in /usr/info, they should be in 
> >>>/usr/share/info.
> >>>
> >>>- Ditto for /usr/man vs. /usr/share/man.
> >>>
> >>>- Don't supply emacs-ctags.  It conflicts with the ctags package which
> >>>provides an emacs independent ctags (and etags).
> >>>
> >>>- The emacs-21.2-13.tar.bz2 as well as the 
> >>>emacs-X11/emacs-X11-21.2-13.tar.bz2
> >>>provide a /usr/bin/emacs.exe binary.  So the emacs packages conflict
> >>>with each other.
> >>
> >>I'd like to maintain the status quo for all of these to get this new 
> >>version released as soon as possible.  A -14 release can contain all of 
> >>these fixes, and I agree that it should follow quickly.
> >
> >I disagree.  The above problems are showstoppers for me, most notably
> >the conflict with ctags.  And they aren't really difficult to fix.
> If they were really showstoppers then emacs would have been pulled from 
> distribution long ago.  It doesn't matter if they are critical, they 
> won't make anything worse than waiting a few more days for another 
> release would.

Joe, is it a problem for you to fix the above issues this weekend?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Red Hat, Inc.

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