> Package: libwmf-
>         http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2004-06/msg00058.html
> Votes  : 2
> From   : David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This works for me.

I have downloaded the source package, built it and installed it.
Layout looks OK, but I didn't look really closely.

wmf2x wmf2eps wmf2gd and wmf2fig work on the examples in the source tarball.

I don't see any dependencies on libiconv2 or libintl2, in either Gerrit's binary
package or the one I built.  The other dependencies are OK.

    cygX11-6.dll                xorg-x11-bin-dlls
    cygexpat-0.dll      expat
    cygfreetype-6.dll   libfreetype26
    cygz.dll            zlib
    cygjpeg-62.dll      libjpeg62
    cygpng12.dll                libpng12

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