On Tue, 6 Jul 2004, Max Bowsher wrote:

> $ zcat /etc/setup/subversion.lst.gz
> ...
> usr/bin/cygsvn_client-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_delta-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_diff-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_fs-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_ra-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_ra_dav-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_ra_local-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_ra_svn-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_repos-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_subr-1-0.dll
> usr/bin/cygsvn_wc-1-0.dll

IMHO, these are the important ones...

> usr/bin/svn.exe
> usr/bin/svnadmin.exe
> usr/bin/svndumpfilter.exe
> usr/bin/svnlook.exe
> usr/bin/svnserve.exe
> usr/bin/svnversion.exe
> ...

...and these are irrelevant.

> I propose to relocate all the above into a directory /usr/bin/subversion,
> and add symlinks to the executables in /usr/bin .

Why not use /usr/share/subversion, or even /opt/subversion, for the DLLs?
You can then compile the subversion executables to look for DLLs in the
above directory.  I don't see a need to move the executables themselves.

> The reason is:
> Suppose I wish to use some python bindings, built against a different
> version of the subversion libraries (installed in /usr/local), with the
> Cygwin system python in /usr/bin.
> *Whatever* I set PATH to, the subversion libraries from /usr/bin will be
> the ones loaded, because they are in the same directory as python.exe .

True.  I'm just not sure I like the subdirectories in /usr/bin.

> By hiding these libraries in a subdirectory, and revealing the
> executables via symlinks, I ensure that Python bindings will load
> subversion libraries according to PATH, allowing users the flexibility
> to install a different subversion version.
> I hereby request comments/review of this packaging change proposal.
> Max.

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ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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