On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 01:11:31PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 11:42:57AM -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
>>Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>>>Hm, Harold is gone...
>>>Who takes over all his packages?
>>Dunno if Harold is "gone" as in "shall never darken our door again."  He 
>>just relinquished primary control over the cygwin-xfree project.  He 
>>didn't say anything about giving up any of his other packages, nor that 
>>he would stop reading these lists.
>>Now, it may be true that he IS going to give up all of his pkgs and 
>>leave "the cygwin community" -- but so far, he hasn't said that, or if 
>>he did I missed it.
>>Let's not probate the will until we're sure he's kaput.
>Harold still seems to be here and I have asked *Alexander* (I called him
>"Andrew" in three or four different email messages yesterday) to
>subscribe to this list.
>I don't know if he's willing to maintain Harold's old packages or not.
>Andrew?  Harold?

The sad thing is that the above "Andrew" is not a joke.  Sigh.

I can see I'm in for many weeks of apologies for calling Alexander
Andrew.  Sorry, *Alexander*.

The even sadder thing is that I didn't need to even respond at all
since the rest of this thread made things clear.

Move along.  Nothing to see here.


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