On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, Robb, Sam wrote:

> Attached is a suggested patch for the generic-builf-script.  I'm
> not as familiar with xargs as I should be, so there may be better
> ways of implementing some of these changes...

Thanks for the patch.  Some comments below.

> Areas it affects:
> - Adds a couple of names to the list of files to be considered


> - When compressing info files as part of an install, uses the
>   -exec option of find rather than xargs.
>   Packages that already compress info files on install will create
>   an info dir, but there will not be any *.info files under that
>   directory.  Find fails, and xargs attempts to call gzip without
>   any input.  As a result, you get the error:
>     gzip: compressed data not written to a terminal. Use -f to force compression.
>     For help, type: gzip -h
>   ... and the install fails.  Using the -exec option of find ensures
>   that gzip is only executed when an info file is found.

Good catch.  I'd rather add the '-r' ('--no-run-if-empty') flag to the
all of the xargs invocations, though.

> - When compressing files using gzip as part of an install, adds
>   the -f flag to the gzip arguments to force compression.
> -Samrobb

Why?  Is it just to force compression of files that wouldn't benefit from
it?  Frankly, I'm not clear on why this is useful...

> --- generic-build-script.orig 2004-08-12 12:46:42.923790400 -0400
> +++ generic-build-script      2004-08-12 12:46:42.733516800 -0400
> @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
> -#!/bin/sh
> +b#!/in/sh

This doesn't look very promising, either... ];->

I'll commit a modified version of the patch for now, and wait for the
explanation on the "-f" flag to gzip.
      |\      _,,,---,,_                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

"Happiness lies in being privileged to work hard for long hours in doing
whatever you think is worth doing."  -- Dr. Jubal Harshaw

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