On Thu, 2004-08-19 at 00:42 +0100, Max Bowsher wrote:
> At some point in the medium-to-long-term future, I'd quite like to move the 
> setup code from CVS to Subversion.
> Partly, that's because of all the little improvements subversion brings over 
> cvs, but a notable concrete benefit subversion would bring is the ability to 
> moves of files easily, without breaking up lines of history. This would be 
> of great value, because setup would benefit from refactoring into one or 
> more utility libraries, a core installation logic library, and one or more 
> user interfaces - i.e. GUI and TUI. The ability to make subdirectories and 
> move files into them, with ease, and without making it hard to access 
> historical versions is key to making this feasible.
> If this is to proceed, I believe I'll need to contact the sourceware 
> overseers and discuss whether there would be any obstacles to setting up 
> subversion on sources.redhat.com .
> Right now, though, I'm just looking for initial reactions.
> I certainly wouldn't be proposing to start moving on this until after 
> Subversion 1.1 is released, packaged for cygwin, and has had a little real 
> world soak time - that would be about 2 months from now.

I'm also not keen on this for several reasons:
* subversion doesn't address the issues with merging & distribution that
made it difficult for folk with long-running patches to stay in sync
* subversion appears to be a very fragile system (I'm working with quite
a few projects that involve subversion, and breakage is common).
* plus of course, that the rest of the project has shown no interest (at
this point) in moving.


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