when building libs depending on tcltk I needed this solution.

you need also the tcltk src package, since the tk/xlib and tk/win files are missing. but thats's good, so you can decode by your own if to support native win gui or X.

but cannot the tcltk maintainer fix these odd paths in the next release please?

# unify special tkConfig.sh 8.4 mounts
# see /usr/lib/tkConfig.sh /usr/lib/tclConfig.sh
# (the tcltk maintainer should really fix these paths)
UsrSrcMount="`cygpath -w /usr/src`"
mount -f -u -b "$UsrSrcMount" "/cygnus/netrel/build"
mount -f -u -b "$UsrSrcMount" "/netrel/src"
ln -s /usr/src/tcltk-20030901-1 /usr/src/libtcltk

# and after the build: # remove temporary tk mounts umount /cygnus/netrel/build umount /netrel/src

This is not needed for all packages, the blt configure e.g. can find the tcl and tk libs by themself. postgresql for its tcl frontend not.
but blt already has the new generic-build-script, postgresql not.

Another and better fix is this:

perl -pi.orig -e's|/cygnus/netrel/build|/usr/src|; s|/netrel/src|/usr/src|;' /usr/lib/tkConfig.sh /usr/lib/tclConfig.sh

Reini Urban

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