Max, et. al.:
Another data point on this.
1. Dropped all current mirrors from my list, added one (;
2. Set every package except the Cygwin dll to keep/skip;
3. Tried to install --
Same crash at the end of downloading.

My SWAG on this is that one of the local data files that tell setup where and what to download has some corrupted data. That might result in an unrecognized "scheme" being passed to the download progie.

If you (y'all) could be so kind as to outline what files save the mirror list AND the list of installed packages, I'll prowl through them and see what I can see. Still and all, it isn't a very graceful way to die.

Max Bowsher wrote:

Never mind, then. David Cobb still seems able to reproduce - I'll work with him to get it resoved.


-- David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate "By God's Grace, I am a Christian man; by my actions a great sinner." -- The Way of a Pilgrim: R.French, Tr. Life is too short to tolerate crappy software!

fn:David A. Cobb
n:Cobb;David A.
adr:;;7 Lenox Av #1;West Warwick;RI;02893-3918;USA
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title:Independent Software Consultant
note:PGP Key ID#0x4C293929 effective 01/28/2004

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