>> I decided to go ahead and build a lablgtk2 package myself, so I can
>> reasonably maintain it in the future.
> One thing to note (and I haven't noticed it before myself) is that my
> build of ocaml contains labltk -- will they conflict?

No, I don't think so.  lablgtk2 goes entirely into /usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2
and /usr/lib/ocaml/stublibs, plus one file /usr/bin/lablgtk2.

> Also, you will 
> probably need to include bits of the ocaml sources in your lablgtk2 source
> package -- do we want to replicate this?

I'm not sure what you mean.  The user will have to install ocaml first in 
order to build from source.  Is anything more required?

> Here's a (reformatted) excerpt from driver/main_args.ml in the ocaml
> sources:
>  "-w", Arg.String F._w,
>     <flags>  Enable or disable warnings according to <flags>:
>        A/a enable/disable all warnings
>        C/c enable/disable suspicious comment
>        D/d enable/disable deprecated features
>        E/e enable/disable fragile match
>        F/f enable/disable partially applied function
>        L/l enable/disable labels omitted in application
>        M/m enable/disable overriden method
>        P/p enable/disable partial match
>        S/s enable/disable non-unit statement
>        U/u enable/disable unused match case
>        V/v enable/disable hidden instance variable
>        X/x enable/disable all other warnings
>        default setting is "Ale"
>        (all warnings but labels and fragile match enabled)
> So it looks like "-w s" disables non-unit statement warnings.

OK, thanks.  I couldn't find this.

>> Questions:  should I just give up on stripping the executable?  Or is
>> there a workaround?  Do I need the -w option at all?  Sorry, but I know
>> almost nothing about OCaml or LablGTK.
> It's up to you.  I'm guessing this is supposed to enable clean execution
> of lablgtk2 (i.e., no extraneous messages), so you probably do need it.

OK.  I may fool around with it to see how many errors I get if I strip the
exe and remove '-w s', but I'm inclined to leave it alone.
> One last note is that the current release of ocaml doesn't support dynamic
> library loads, so a lot of examples don't work (details upon request).
> I'm working on fixing this, but if anyone has suggestions on how to enable
> shared library support, I'd be interested in hearing them.

OK.  No obvious problem there for my package, since I'm not building the


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