Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) schrieb:
At Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:34 AM, Sergey Okhapkin wrote:
I wonder if most of people have any knowledge about setup command
line arguments, I believe in most  cases setup is being started
directly from cygwin web page.

It's the most important rule of any GUI program design - all settings
must be available in GUI.

but setup.exe --help should print something to the console, not to setup.log :) (we discussed that before)
if it would print something people would be aware of it. the log is not so visible.

I would say that they are available in the GUI, but not with an option to be
remembered.  I have
  c:\cygwin\arc\setup.exe -R c:\cygwin -s ftp://mirrors.rcn.net -n -q
in my startup folder to keep me up-to-date without any manual intervention.
If Mr. Wolff uses the command-line options form a short-cut, he will
eliminate the annoyance in question.

But "Mr. Wolff" complaint is still valid. it should remember the last selected options, if no cmdline override is given.
we don't use the registry so far, to store such prefs.
for the last-selected site we use files.
maybe we can use files also for the other prefs.
remembering the initial packageview view_mode might also be useful.
now it always starts with view_mode = views::Category.

At Monday, October 25, 2004 10:14 PM, Thomas Wolff wrote:

* setup does not remember the user preferences about the final two
 questions; it especially annoys me that I have to click off
 the option to create a desktop icon every time
Reini Urban

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