Igor Pechtchanski schrieb:

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Reini Urban wrote:

Reini Urban schrieb:

Dr. Volker Zell schrieb:

Christopher Faylor writes:

> I don't see it anywhere. The closest thing I see is: > libopenldap2_2_7/libopenldap2_2_7-2.2.17-1.tar.bz2

That's ok. I don't know what Reini is seeing.

Unfortunately I didn't make a screenshot and did't backup this setup.ini in question. But it is fixed now indeed. Looks like a ini parser problem.

Ok, I reproduced it and have a screenshot: http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/publ/cygwin/temp/setup-libopenldap-2-15-2.png This is with my setup fixes, which substr's the version at 45. [snip]

This raises another interesting feature request -- internationalizing setup's messages and dialogs. Same way that the "Back", "Next", and "Cancel" buttons are translated into German... We could have a "translate Cygwin setup into your language" effort similar to Google's (though likely not with the same response rate)...

Well, you do the Russian, I (and maybe Gerrit and Corinna) the German translation.
Using gettext would be fine but we must link everything statically, and
I doubt that is worth the effort to put the mo's into the exe as some data ressource, dump it at start to some dirs and use it then. Can gettext() use internals ressources? Can it use some kind of MapViewOfFile handle, which points some some location inside the exe?
If not the MS solution is by far better.

But what concerns me really is the download size. 270kb is fine, but now with 800kb I'm concerned. xemacs also uses our setup.exe.
Reini Urban

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