Peter Bismuti wrote:
It's only for training, I don't mind if it is too slow. I'm more concerned about which versions/releases of X and OpenGL it uses.

I'm working on your request as we speak. Lately, I cannot get to the point where it prompts me if I wan to include an icon on the desktop.

I'm also assuming the /tmp directory you refer to is within cygwin, correct? So far I see nothing, I'll wait until it hangs and check again.

The directory that is used by Cygwin, that may be /tmp but is not in case you have not defioned TMP=/tmp & TEMP=/tmp, if there is no extra define in your profile the default Windows TEMP directory is used.

Just try in a Cygwin shell:

$ ls $TMP


$ ls $TEMP

Volume in drive C is HP_PAVILION
Volume Serial Number is 1C37-0926

Directory of C:\cygwin\tmp

12/28/2004  02:44 AM    <DIR>          .
12/28/2004  02:44 AM    <DIR>          ..
              0 File(s)              0 bytes
              2 Dir(s)  40,921,935,872 bytes free

This looks not like it was used.

Gerrit -- =^..^=

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