Reini Urban schrieb:
Reini Urban schrieb:
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes schrieb:
On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 11:56:14PM +0100, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Reini Urban wrote:
I would like to maintain perl-Win32-GUI, the Win32-platform native graphical user interface toolkit for perl, and I want to take over maintainership for perl-libwin32.
We need a current perl-5.8.6 build.

What about the changes we talk about in PM, are they still needed?
Well, just tell me if I need to integrate the patches and release
an update of perl *now* or if it may wait for another two weeks?

I found more minor problems in the pm_to_blib section in the upstream MM hackery (pc files no copied), which I want to fix the right way, so that it can be applied upstream.

Ok, I fixed all cygwin issues. vendor, pid's, rebased, better pm_to_blib

This can go out. No GTG? -- Reini Urban

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