Hi Max,

Max Bowsher wrote:

Preview packages of httpd-2.0.53-0.3 are available at:

(setup.exe installable site)

Any comments welcome.

first comments on a real-life long-term runtime test I do with the version you offered:

See http://epimetheus.dev.wapme.net/server-status for the current status.

Here is a top snapshot of the machine:

 10:33:35 up 6 days,  9:00,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
76 processes: 68 sleeping, 8 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  21.6% user,  77.7% system,   0.0% nice,   0.7% idle
Mem:   1048044K total,   564704K used,   483340K free,        0K buffers
Swap:   204800K total,     5832K used,   198968K free,        0K cached

 3612 tolj       8   0  1344 2588    64 R     8.0  0.2   0:00 top
 1748 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7532    64 S     3.8  0.7   3:27 httpd2
 3700 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7532    64 S     3.1  0.7   0:34 httpd2
 2432 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7536    68 S     2.5  0.7  10:31 httpd2
 2696 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7532    64 S     2.5  0.7   3:18 httpd2
 3604 SYSTEM     8   0  5868 7536    64 S     2.5  0.7   8:22 httpd2
 2236 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7532    64 S     2.2  0.7   2:05 httpd2
 3280 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7532    64 S     2.2  0.7   6:33 httpd2
 3452 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7532    64 S     2.2  0.7   3:19 httpd2
 3060 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7532    64 S     2.2  0.7   0:12 httpd2
 1828 SYSTEM     8   0  5864 7536    68 S     2.2  0.7   0:27 httpd2

which means, CPU cycles at arround 100%. But that was the same for apache-1.3 when bringing to excessive load. This is cygwin layer specifics I guess. And I don't think we will ever reach the half of the performance as Win32 native version. But that's ok.

The machine has a 1 GB space as RAM. And as you see it's not fully "loaded". But I see these in /var/log/apache2/error_log:

$ tail /var/log/apache2/error_log
[Tue Mar 08 10:34:01 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:34:11 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:34:21 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:34:31 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:34:41 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:34:51 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:35:01 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:35:11 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:35:21 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process
[Tue Mar 08 10:35:31 2005] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new process

obiously we're having problems in fork()ing off new childs to serve. I know that I have (in early httpd-2.0 stages) introduced cygwin as a prefork MPM platform, after the pthread'ed version did not work reliable. Should be give pthread MPM another chance here?


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