Hi all,

there is a new release available of Apache HTTP Server 1.3.33. The package
is placed here: http://www.fast4ward.de/cygwin/

Please take a look at the README and setup.hint files below.

The Apache package contains the mod_ssl EAPI patch but no additional module
extensions. These are part of further releases.

I am also interested in becoming the package maintainer for Apache 1.3.x.

Have fun,

--- apache-1.3.33.README --------
Apache Version 1.3.x

A robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available
source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server.

Runtime requirements:
  cygwin-1.5.10 or newer

Build requirements:
  cygwin-1.5.10 or newer
  gcc-3.3.1-3 or newer
  binutils-20030901-1 or newer

Canonical homepage:

Canonical download:


Build instructions:
  unpack <PKG>-<VER>-<REL>-src.tar.bz2
    if you use setup to install this src package, it will be
  unpacked under /usr/src automatically
  cd /usr/src
  ./<PKG>-<VER>-<REL>.sh all

This will create:

Or use './<PKG>-<VER>-<REL>.sh prep' to get a patched source directory


Files included in the binary distribution:



Port Notes:

NOTE: Starting from 1.3.24-3 we are adding the
Enhanced API (EAPI) hooks from Ralf's mod_ssl distro
to the core Apache source tree. This does *not* include
the SSL module sources itself.

NOTE: The related mod_ssl-xxx-yyy.tar.gz package is
required for building Apache and is part of this Apache
Cygwin source package distribution.

---------- apache-1.3.33-1 -----------
Apache configure options (see also apache-1.3.33-1.sh):
  --with-layout=Cygwin \
  --datadir=/var/www \
  --sysconfdir=/etc/apache \
  --enable-rule=EAPI \
  --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE \
  --enable-module=all \
  --disable-module=auth_db \
  --disable-module=auth_dbm \
  --disable-module=mmap_static \
  --enable-shared=max \
  --without-confadjust \
mod_ssl package used: mod_ssl-2.8.22-1.3.33.tar.gz

Cygwin port maintained by: Robert Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please address all questions to the Cygwin mailing list
at <cygwin-apps@cygwin.com>

Apache initially ported to Cygwin by: Stipe Tolj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- setup.hint ------------------
sdesc: "The Apache HTTP (Web) Server"
ldesc: "A robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and
freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server."
category: Net Web
requires: cygwin

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