Please upload the latest doxygen release for cygwin (v1.4.2-20050410)

Binaries, sources & setup.hint files are located at

-rw-rw-rw- 1 hanshorn Power Users 1823811 Apr 11 23:44 doxygen-1.4.2-20050410-src.tar.bz2
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hanshorn Power Users 1474000 Apr 11 23:43 doxygen-1.4.2-20050410.tar.bz2
-rwx------+ 1 hanshorn Power Users 351 Apr 11 08:26 setup.hint

Since yahoo free webhosting doesn't allow files with the .bz2 extension, I changed the extension of the package files to tgz. Just save these files back as .bz2.
Same with setup.hint. Here I simply appended .html; just save without .html.

Since this is my first contribution of this kind, please bear with me if I didn't get it all right off the bat.


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