David Rothenberger wrote:
I'm interested in packaging libogg and libvorbis in order to package
flac, vorbis-tools and possibly vorbisgain and shntool. Can anyone give
me a good example of how to package a library like libogg so that it's
split into two packages: libogg and libogg-devel?
These would be my first packaging attempts. I'd like to use the
generic-build-script but that doesn't support the splitting. I was
hoping to find an example of the script that does the splitting to use
as a basis for my packages.
You can make it do splitting quite easily, though.
I package apr/libapr0 in this way, by modifying the pkg() function of g-b-s:
pkg() {
(cd ${instdir} && \
tar -cjvf "${topdir}/libapr0-$VER-$REL.tar.bz2" usr/bin/cygapr-0-0.dll
tar --exclude='usr/bin/cygapr-0-0.dll' -cjvf ${bin_pkg} * )