On Apr 25 14:09, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 23, 2005 at 12:35:19AM +0100, Max Bowsher wrote:
> >Accordingly, I hereby ITP doxygen myself:
> I've waited several days to respond to this because I wanted to make
> sure that I was in the proper emotional state and didn't just fire off a
> knee-jerk reaction.
> Nevertheless, I remain appalled by this turn of events.  I saw nothing
> in Hans' email which indicated that he's unwilling to be cooperative
> about packaging problems so I see no reason to pull the package from
> him.  Hans is not the first person to have to go through a moderate
> amount of pain before getting the packaging right and if the biggest
> complaint of his source packaging is that it doesn't contain the cygwin
> README, then that is not a big deal.
> I don't know how to resolve this situation but I do know for sure that
> neither Corinna nor I are going to "reward" someone by making them a
> package maintainer after essentially publicly insulting another
> volunteer.
> Hans, this is still yours if you want it.  Otherwise, MaxB has
> disqualified himself from doxygen package maintainership, so I guess
> we're in the market for a maintainer again.

Hans' binary package looks ok to me.  The source package might have some
minor problems but I'd be dead surprised if not any of my packages would
have problems either.  I don't quite understand all that hype around the
source packages anyway.  The source package provides the sources which
have been used to build the binary package.  That's all, no need to create
a science from it.  A minor problem in the source file is certainly no
reason to kick somebody's a**.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          mailto:cygwin@cygwin.com
Red Hat, Inc.

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