We use Cygwin to provide the Windows port of our academic software (www.mobius.uiuc.edu). Our software installation program prompts the user for various paths, including the location of our software, and the location of the cygwin folder.

Our setup program then calls the cygwin setup program to install a subset of cygwin packages we distribute with our software. We do this for multiple reasons: (so our users do not have to know which packages to install, or take the time/space to install all of the packages, support offline installations from CD, so we can verify our software works with the version of cygwin we distribute.)

I can use the command line flags to specify a local install from my installation directory (-L), and the location where cygwin shuld be installed (-R). And I can specify that cygwin be installed without all of the prompts and interactive options (-q). But I do not know how to change the package chooser from 'default' to 'install', so that all the packages in my installation directory are automatically installed.

Please let me know if there is a way to force cygwin to install all packages in the local package directory. Ideally a command line option to change the default setting from 'default' to 'install' would be great, but I haven't found such an option, if it exists, nor have I had time to trace through the code to see how hard it would be to implement such an option. Any/all pointers or suggestions would be appreciated.


Tod Courtney                         Senior Research Programmer
Coordinated Science Lab                      | Ph:(217)244-3203
University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign  | Fx:(217)244-3359
231 CSL, 1308 W. Main St., Urbana, IL 61801  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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