It's about time that I replied...  I've been swamped with more responsibilities 
at work and haven't been able to maintain my packages.  They are all out of 
date.  One collection (c-client and uw-imap*) has a security issue that would 
be resolved by upgrading the package to the current released version.  The 
package also still needs to be re-built against the current openssl version.

All of my packages below should be considered "for grabs".  If anyone wants to 
take over any of them, the src packages should have all of the necessary 
scripts for re-creating packages.

thank you,

----- Original Message -----
> > This "survey" will run until 2005-10-31.  I will ping every week, so you
> > have a bit of time.  However, if you don't reply until 2005-10-31, your
> > packages will be up for grabs.  Which means, they will disappear from
> > the Cygwin net distribution if nobody wants to take over maintainership.
> Later changes due to dropping or switching maintainership should be
> explicitely mentioned at one point, please.
> Again, note that packages w/o maintainers on 2005-10-31 are up for grabs
> and are removed from the distro if nobody volunteers to take over
> maintainership.
> =====================================================
>    c-client
>    libsmi
>    libxerces-c21
>    libxerces-c22
>    libxerces-c23
>    libxerces-c24
>    libxerces-c25
>    uw-imap
>    uw-imap-imapd
>    uw-imap-util
>    xerces-c
>    xerces-c-devel
>    xerces-c-doc

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