Dr. Volker Zell wrote:

Gerrit P Haase writes:

    > Hello,
    > sdesc: "Stringprep implementation that does Unicode 3.2 NFKC
> normalization" > ldesc: "GNU Libidn is an implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and
    > IDNA specifications defined by the IETF Internationalized Domain Names
    > (IDN) working group, used for internationalized domain names. The
    > package is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
    > requires: cygwin
    > category: Net

    > -------cut--------
    > #!/bin/sh

    > mkdir libidn && cd libidn
    > wget http://loreley.ath.cx/cygwin/libidn/libidn-0.5.20-1-src.tar.bz2

The build is hanging for me when calling libidn-0.5.20-1.sh during the
make stage:


-- Fixing Crossreferences
cd . && gtkdoc-fixxref --module-dir=html --html-dir=/usr/share/doc
Now it hangs :-(

Hmm, you may use --disable-gtk-doc, the docs are included and usable
anyway.  I'll take a look later, though I need to rebuild because I have
no logs and the build finished without hang, the script uses set -e /
set -x, so it would have stopped if there was an error.

Thinking about it, I see now that the --html-dir is wrong anyway, should
be /usr/share/doc/libidn/ or s.th. like this.


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