"Gerrit P. Haase" wrote:

> be nice.  And maybe make it optional, that is not checked by default.

Pardon me for being blunt, but that's absurd.  The whole point of adding
that screen was that users kept managing to select a package and then
deselect required dependencies somehow, ending up with a broken system. 
So the entire idea there is that if the user doesn't know what they're
doing and just hits Next or can't take the time to read the dialog, they
get all the dependencies added for them.  To do it any other way would
just mean that it would cease to serve any meaningful purpose.

In the vast majority of cases continuing with missing dependencies is
the wrong thing to do, so why should it be the default?  Why should the
default reflect a use case that is only used by people attempting very
specific things under extraordinary circumstances?


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