On 16 February 2006 20:16, Lapo Luchini wrote:

> Dave Korn wrote:
>> Why must they?  Why not just alt-tab to them and press enter?
> Not so easy to send an alt-tab thru VNC, not using the X client, at least.

  That would be a bug/limitation.  The win32 version has a config option to
send command-key combinations to the other end.

> Anyway, I'd consider the fact that the window sometimes appears behind,
> being invisible and all, a bug wherever it had a work around or not ;-)

  True, but I think it's an XP bug rather than a cygwin one, it does that all
the time, particularly if you happen to be holding down a key or anything.  MS
have done something baaaad to the alt-tab-ordering/vs/minimize-and-restore
behaviour in between 2k and xp.  I'm always alt-tabbing these days and finding
some window I thought I'd minimized jumps up instead of the next-most-recent
one I was expecting...

  This is OT for cygwin apps now.  Fup-To set, bock-bock-b'gaaawk!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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