----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Wilson" Newsgroups: gmane.os.cygwin.applications
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 8:54 PM
Subject: ITP: checkx-0.1.0-1

checkX is a little utility I wrote that tests to see if (a) the X11 client DLLs are installed on the machine, and (b) the Xserver on $DISPLAY (or -d x.x.x.x:x) is running and usable.

It does not link against the Xll libraries itself, but attempts to dlopen it, using a fuzzy name/path search. Both the search path and the target name are explicitly over-ridable via commandline arguments.

In its default mode, checkX returns a 0 status if X is present, 1 otherwise, and generates no output. It is intended for use in scripts, which need to intelligently decide whether to launch an X-based application or a non-X (native MS Gui? console?) one.

The source code isn't pretty, but it works pretty well; I've been trying to break it for a while now. First "published" here:
but I decided to make it into its own package rather than tack it on to rxvt-unicode-X or cygutils. It's even autotooled...not that it can actually be BUILT on any platform except cygwin. <g>

checkx does not yet have a home for ongoing development, save my hard drive, so there's no "upstream" site, and obviously there are no Linux distributions which include it. Therefore, I need some votes in favor...

Now you have 5 votes:
Eric Blake
Dr. Volker Zell
Yaakov S
John Morrison
Peter Ekberg

So you can try uploading again.

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