On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 11:07:29AM -0400, Igor Peshansky wrote:
>On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Reini Urban wrote:
>> Igor Peshansky schrieb:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I just noticed that the size of postgresql-client-8.0.7-1.tar.bz2 (the
>> > curr version) is set to 0.  Is that intentional?  It doesn't seem to
>> > break setup, but is something to look into, nonetheless.
>> Yes, that's on purpose.
>> There are three main packages: postgresql, libpq4 and postgresql-client.
>> All three of them have existing curr and test packages. The two client
>> packages should have correct cross-dependencies.
>> 1. Empty not to conflict with the existing postgresql-8.0.7-1, which has
>> all the client binaries.
>> 2. Existing, because when installing postgresql-client-8.0.7-1 after
>> having installed 8.1.4-2, to pull in the correct dependencies.
>Hmm, the usual way of doing this is creating an empty .tar.bz2 archive,
>which is not 0 bytes (it's something like 46).  I'm surprised setup
>doesn't croak on a 0-byte archive file.  Oh, well...

I've recreated this as a standard 46 byte empty .tar.bz2 file.


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