>>>>> Bo Peng writes:

    > Dear list,
    > I am interested in becoming the package maintainer of the cygwin port
    > of lyx (http://www.lyx.org/). Lyx is a latex based word processor. It
    > is easy to use and has many advanced features like change-tracking.
    > Lyx has been part of some major linux distributions like debian,
    > gentoo suse and fedora. Here are some relevant links:

    > http://packages.debian.org/lyx
    > http://gentoo-portage.com/app-office/lyx
    > http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/suselinux/lyx.html
    > http://fedoraproject.org/extras/5/i386/repodata/repoview/office.group.html

    > Setup.hint:

    > # setup.hint for lyx
    > sdesc: "A latex-based WYSIWYM word processor"
    > ldesc: "A document processor that encourages an approach to writing based
    > on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It is designed
    > for people that write and want their writing to look great, right out of
    > the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting details, 'finger
    > painting' font attributes or futzing around with page boundaries. You just
    > write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's legendary TeX typesetting engine
    > makes you look good."
    > category: Publishing Editors Graphics
    > requires: cygwin aspell python qt3-bin libintl gettext gv tetex
    > tetex-base tetex-bin ImageMagick xorg-x11-fscl

    > I have uploaded the source and binary packages to
    > ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/1.4.3/cygwin-package/ . I hope that I
    > have managed to meet all the packaging requirements.

I just checked the binary package:

 o /usr/doc should be /usr/share/doc

 o There is a lyx-1.4.3-1.README in the source package, but it's named
   lyx1.4.3-1.README in the binary package. I would rename that to be
   consistent with the rest of the packages.

Building from source is fine. GTG if you fix the above packaging errors.


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