Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
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Charles Wilson wrote:
For most purposes, this is transparent.  You run "autoconf" which is the
wrapper, and you get "the right" version.  However, cygport explicitly
tests for the presence of "autoconf-2.5x" in $PATH.

This patch makes cygport's search a little smarter -- and it or
something like it is *required* if you want cygport to work after the
new autoconf is installed.

I just checked in autoconf-2.60 support to cygport CVS.  Please test.

Well, it seems to work for bootstrapping cygport itself. However, it fails with libtool (but not for any reason having to do with autoconf-2.60. It's some other change introduced post-cygport-0.2.4 release).

[[[ Side note: the new libtool cygport doesn't actually use cygautoreconf. libtool-from-CVS must be bootstrapped using its own bootstrap script; a regular autoreconf doesn't populate the test projects properly. However, if you DO use autoreconf instead of the bootstrap script, you can still build libtool and libltdl -- it's just that you can't then run the testsuite.

SO, after fixing the issue with cygautoreconf and autoconf-2.60 -- I could at least use it with libtool (as long as I didn't want to run the testsuite).

But with the cygport-from-CVS version, I can't do that.

Here's the problem: libtool (pre-version 2.0) ships with a subproject -- separately configured -- called libltdl. However, the subproject does NOT include the GNU "required" files like README, AUTHORS, etc. Those are all up at the top level. Yet, cygautoreconf complains about it:

>>> Compiling libtool1.5-1.5.23a-1
touch: cannot touch `[libltdl]/AUTHORS': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch `[libltdl]/COPYING': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch `[libltdl]/ChangeLog': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch `[libltdl]/INSTALL': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch `[libltdl]/NEWS': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch `[libltdl]/README': No such file or directory

(That's with src_compile containing the following two lines (among others)


Note that this not a showstopper for libtool -- I actually use ./bootstrap "in production"

But I could see cases where even if the top-level project is fully GNU- (or gnits-) compliant, tightly-coupled subprojects may not be. OTOH, you might want the current behavior for loosely-coupled groupings of subprojects...

Bottom Line: the autoconf-2.60 handling in cygport-from-CVS seems to work fine. I discovered a use case for which cygport-from-CVS fails -- but this failure is unrelated to the autoconf-2.60 stuff.


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