In the file /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/clisp-xx.README is the
following information:

> Runtime recommendations: (-k full)
>  fgci
>  libdb4.5
>  libgdbm4
>  libpq4

Is the 'libpq4' run-time recommendation going to be changed
to 'libpq5'?

> Build requirements:
>   libsigsegv
>   and the usual build tools

I attempted to generate the Cygwin clisp package using:

   $ cygport /usr/src/clisp-2.xx.cygport prep compile

This required multiple passes (using 'cygport ... finish' to
remove each earlier pass) because additional header files
are needed.  Here is a list of the additional Cygwin packages
that were needed:

   libdb4.5-devel  (current version 4.5.20-2)
   libfcgi-devel and libfcgi0 (current version 2.4.0-2)
   pcre-devel (current version 7.2-1)
   libpq-devel (current version 8.1.4-2)
This list is not complete because I do not have Cygwin/X
installed, and so the 'cygport ... compile' process stopped
(failed to compile due to missing X header files) when it
attempted to generate the 'clx/new-clx' module.

Could the above prerequisites be added to the Cygwin-specific
README file (unless I have made some fundamental error) in
the 'Build requirements' section?

Of course, any other Cygwin packages that are required to
generate 'clisp' by the 'cygport ... compile' process (for example,
xorg-x11-devel) should be added to the 'Build requirements'
section, also.

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