Corinna Vinschen  wrote:
> Fortunately the direct download link which can be used with wget is
> part of the http page source, like this:
>   var _download = 
> 'http\x3a\x2f\\x2fy1pgH3dO8QEQaD56cx1a-
> RaOHrPBKgRIjh0-pZ_C7m7bevsUZlQgP36iBsbSWNeeCszSkTY5jxS5nc\x2fsetup.hint\x3fdownload';
> Convert the \x stuff and drop the trailing \x3fdownload and you get
> pZ_C7m7bevsUZlQgP36iBsbSWNeeCszSkTY5jxS5nc/setup.hint
Hi Corinna,
You're obviously a better http wizzard than I am. I've just learned something 
> If you stick to skydrive, it would be nice if you could just give us the
> direct links.
You bet I will.
> Other than that, uploaded.  I removed 1.1.0-6 and 1.1.0-7.
Excellent. I just sent an announcement.
> Thanks,
> Corinna
You're welcome.
- André

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