Ralph Hempel wrote on Thursday, May 14, 2009 7:06 AM:
> Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>> And some of us just run setup from the command line and never even
>>> bother with the GUI until it has run to completion....
>> There's that too.  I am hoping to make that even more convenient
>> eventually.  I'd like to get rid of all remnants of the GUI when
>> -q (or some other option) is specified on the command line.
> Ahhhh, wouldn't that be nice.
> One additional feature that might be useful is a command
> line switch that allows a search through the package list
> that puts out a list of matches.
> Think of it as a grep through setup.ini

You mean like 'cygcheck -p <desired filename>'?

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International

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