On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 08:01:52AM -0400, Jonathon Merz wrote:
>I just took another look at the GNU coding standards and think I see
>better what is required now.

Again, he setup sources don't all conform to GNU coding style.  This is
very unfortunate but what you should be doing is adapting to the coding
style of the surrounding code or, at the VERY least, don't do this:


in one place and this:

if( foo )

in others.

>> I know that Dave asked for this but I really don't see the need to add
>> this much machinery. ?I think this is a lot of work to go to for
>> something that is run infrequently and which is usually just clicked
>> through. ?For other installers, people just seem to live with whatever
>> they do rather than kvetching the geometry of the windows.
>I don't think that this patch interferes with anyone running things
>from the command line,

The issue is adding code complexity.  setup.exe is already a nightmare
so adding another two classes and control flow for what I would consider
to be a little-used feature doesn't make sense to me.


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