Package maintainers,

The following packages ship with EXEs whose names trigger UAC in Vista and Windows 7 but do not yet ship with the required .manifest files:

bsdiff (bspatch.exe)
chicken (chicken-setup.exe)
emacs (update-game-score.exe)
geoip (geoipupdate.exe)
git (several in /usr/sbin/git-core[1])
grub (grub-setup.exe)
libusb-win32 (install-filter.exe)
singular-icons (cygwin-setup.exe)

(This list does not include my own packages, which I'm working on now.)

The newly-released cygport-0.9.6 (for cygwin-1.7 only) will automatically create .manifest files for programs whose names require it. All you need to do is rebuild your package with 0.9.6.

[1] Which, AFAIK, should be /usr/lib/git-core per the FHS.


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