On 19/08/2009 01:05, Ken Brown wrote:
On 8/18/2009 10:46 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
Is there a policy about which packages are allowed to create start
menu shortcuts? Recent discussion about run.exe on the main cygwin
list makes me think it would be useful for the emacs-X11 package to
create a shortcut for starting emacs under X. I would do this by
putting the following in the postinstall script:

/usr/bin/mkdir -p "$(/usr/bin/cygpath -AP)/Cygwin-X"
/usr/bin/mkshortcut -AP \
-n Cygwin-X/emacs \
-w /usr/bin \
-i /usr/share/emacs/23.1/etc/emacs.ico \
-a '-p /usr/bin bash -l -c "emacs --display="' \

Is this appropriate or does it violate some guidelines?

I just realized that the X-start-menu-icons package already provides an
emacs shortcut, so my question is irrelevant. But emacs started by the
shortcut in that package doesn't work right because the PATH isn't set
up correctly. (For example, if you try to list the current directory
with C-x d, you get an error "ls not found".) So it should either be
fixed as above or removed from X-start-menu-icons, in which case I'll
add it to emacs-X11.

I'm not sure what to do about X-start-menu-icons.

On the one hand, it is a bit silly now that we have individual packages for each executable rather than everything in xorg-x11-bin, and perhaps it would make much more sense for the individual packages to maintain their own start menu shortcuts.

On the other hand, it makes sense for those applications which want to have a start menu icon to be using some kind of standard tool to maintain that start menu shortcut, and X-start-menu-icons.sh is probably that tool :-)

On the gripping hand, as it stands, it's a bit broken:

- X-start-menu-icons.sh only gets automatically run by the X-start-menu-icons package's postinstall script. It really needs to get run after every setup run to check if it needs to create shortcuts for any newly installed applications.

- It only knows how to add shortcuts for applications, and to remove all the shortcuts it's made (on it's own uninstallation). It doesn't know how to delete the shortcuts for applications which are owned by uninstalled packages, leading to stale shortcuts for removed applications.

- it can't make shortcuts with external icons, like the example above

- as you point out, it doesn't make a correctly working shortcuts for emacs
(everything should probably be invoked via bash -l -c so a useful environment exists)

- /etc/X11/X-start-menu-icons-list contains the hardcoded list of applications which get start menu shortcuts. This data clearly ought to be in individual packages. (So this perhaps this should be replaced by a directory with files owned by the individual packages?)

- if you have parallel 1.5 and 1.7 installations, they will fight over the shortcuts, as they want to create shortcuts with the same name, but have differing ideas of where they should point to...

I think Yaakov has some ideas about how to approach this, but I don't know what they are.

Anyhow, this is something I am willing to spend a bit of time on, if there was some vague consensus as to the direction we should be heading in.

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