
My sincerest apologies.  Clearly I made a mistake.  Cygwin does have
the current version of zip.

Is there any timeframe for unzip 6.0?  I started down this path
because unzip does not currently have multi-part support.  I
downloaded WinRAR, but I would prefer an open source solution if you
know of any.

Kindest regards,

Paul Watson

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 14:53, Charles Wilson<> wrote:
> wrote:
>> It would seem that Cygwin is using a somewhat old version of Info-ZIP
>> from which zip and unzip are created.  The
>> From the site, there is:
>> """
>> All known vulnerabilities are fixed in Zip 2.32.
>> """
>> However, it appears that Cygwin is using version 3.0.
> err... "3.0" is newer than "2.32".  The older 2.32 version fixed all
> known vulnerabilities.  3.0 added additional features, but still
> maintains all of the older 2.32 version's fixes to known vulnerabilities.
>> What is the process to get this updated?  Please advise.  Thanks.
> 3.0 is the most recent version, and has been available for cygwin since
> March.
> --
> Chuck

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