> My base os is Japanese OEM Windows XP.
> I've only used the standard c:\cygwin-packages directory, so have not had any 
> problems. But, to confirm Gernot's report, I created a  
> C:\japanese_dirname日本語名 directory and tried to download a package into it.  
> It fails.
> setup reports the following type of message:
> No such file or directory: 
> C:\japanese_dirname日本語名/http%3...../release-2/..bzip_filename

The problem is that setup.exe's GUI uses the default ANSI codepage
(932 in this case), whereas MSVCRT functions such as fopen() use the
"C" locale by default. In the C locale, multibyte<->widechar
conversion is a simple cast, which effectively yields ISO-8859-1.
(Just to be clear, this is nothing to do with Cygwin/newlib's locale
system, since setup.exe is a MinGW app).

Now theoretically it should be possible to address this with a
'setlocale(LC_ALL, "")' call. However, after changing my Win7 system's
default codepage to Japanese, I found that GetACP() would indeed
return 932, but that 'setlocale(LC_ALL, "")' still yielded
"English_United Kingdom.1252".

Hence the slightly more circuitous route in the patch below. Seems to
do the job.


--- main.cc     20 Sep 2009 16:41:30 -0000      2.56
+++ main.cc     3 Oct 2009 07:36:33 -0000
@@ -225,6 +225,11 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
   hinstance = GetModuleHandle (NULL);

+  // Make sure the C runtime functions use the same codepage as the GUI
+  char locale[12];
+  snprintf(locale, sizeof locale, ".%u", GetACP());
+  setlocale(LC_ALL, locale);
   try {
     char cwd[MAX_PATH];
     GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_PATH, cwd);

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