
This is my first package proposal for Cygwin, hopefully the package is ready for consideration:

This is a Cygwin-specific package: not in any other Linux distro.

category: Utils
requires: cygwin coreutils python gnupg
sdesc: "A command-line Cygwin package manager"
ldesc: "A command-line Cygwin package manager.
Allows you to install and remove packages on the command line, and provides other package management functions. It has a command syntax similar to apt-get and dpkg.

Cyg-apt work primarily from within Cygwin. It is aimed at users needing fine-grained control and information. Apt-get/dpkg style interface.

    install - download and install packages with dependencies
    remove - uninstall packages
    purge - uninstall packages and delete from cache
    list - list installed packages
    new - list new (upgradeable) packages in distribution
    upgrade - all installed packages
    requires - print requires: for package
    source - download source package
    find - find package containing file
    search - search all package descriptions for string
    filelist - list files installed by given packages
    show - print package description
    md5 - check md5 sum of cached package against database
    update - fetch current package database from mirror
    ball - print tarball name
    download - download package (only, do not install)
    find - package containing file
    help - this help message
    missing - print missing dependencies for package
    url - print tarball url
    version - print installed version
    setup - create cyg-apt configuration file


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