Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> On 05/01/2010 22:46, Charles Wilson wrote:
>> libAfterImage is a prereq for rxvt-unicode-9.x. It is part of gentoo,
>> fedora, and debian.
>> http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-libs/libafterimage
>> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/packages/name/libAfterImage
>> http://packages.debian.org/lenny/libafterimage0
>>    * Debian builds from the version included in the AfterStep
>>      source code, rather than the standalone version]
> And Gentoo uses a blocker to prevent the installation of both, as
> AfterStep ships with its own (newer?)

No, it looks like the AfterStep version is older.  But that STILL
doesn't clear up the issue:

2008-06-18  sasha
        * libAfterImage 1.18 release

But the AfterStep page says
Latest stable release : 2.2.9 (released July 8, 2009)

Latest stable version is 2.2.9 which can be downloaded as a tarball or a
bzip2 archive. Alternatively from SourceForge : tar.gz or tar.bz2

If you already have AfterStep 2.1.0 or later installed you can download
smaller upgrade packages ( although you will not get image files for new
look.Tiny ) : an upgrade tarball or an upgrade bzip2. Alternatively from
SourceForge : Upgrade tar.gz or Upgrade tar.bz2

Also available for download a standalone version of libAfterImage 1.15

(released August 2, 2007) Please note that it should not be used when

full AfterStep is installed. This is only for folks who would like to
use it with things like aterm and rxvt-unicode without AfterStep.

latest stable libAfterImage is 1.15 which can be downloaded as a tarball
or a bzip2 archive.

All official releases can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.afterstep.org.

Frankly, that statement is confusing as hell.  As written, it seems to say:

1) you can only use the embedded, older, 1.15-ish libAfterImage with

2) but embedded 1.15-ish code is NOT intended for use with 'things like
 aterm and rxvt-unicode'; the standalone version is intended for those
users.  If I'm interpreting the "english" in the quoted passage correctly.

3) you appararently cannot install both flavors of libAfterImage.

Whose idea was this?

[...time passes...]

Well, the documentation was wrong.  Looking at the AfterStep source
code, the libAfterImage code in the AfterStep 2.2.9 tarball is somewhat
newer.  But it's still not clear whether AfterStep's libAfterImage is
suitable for use by other clients.  I guess we can hope...

> version of the library.  That
> means if we wanted to add AfterStep later, we would have to outright
> replace these.
> So how about we just ITP AfterStep instead, and be done with it?  I've
> ITP'd libgsf, a prerequisite for librsvg (used by libAfterImage for SVG
> support), and I'm working now on AfterStep itself (fixed the build for
> shared libs and am trying to pinpoint a SIGSEGV in the tools).

OK, we can try it your way.  You might want to grab the .patch files
from my package, and apply them in the libAfterImage/ subdirectory of
your AfterStep source...

I'm a little disappointed to see the direction that upstream
rxvt-unicode development has gone. I mean, making a "lightweight"
terminal emulator dependent upon a library that is "best" provided by
compiling an entire window manager suite?

You'd expect that with, say, Konsole or Gnome-Terminal, but rxvt?  WTF?

I guess this is a consequence of AfterStep's abandonment of aterm, the
subsequent merger of most of aterm's unique functionality into
rxvt-unicode, and the adoption of rxvt-unicode as AfterStep's primary
terminal emulator...a project goes where the majority of its active
contributors take it, and that appears to be "in the direction of
greater integrations with AfterStep".  Sigh.


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