On Wed, Jul 07, 2010 at 09:47:20AM +0800, JonY wrote:
>Can I ask what will be the next version of GCC be in Cygwin?
>I'm working on the mingw-w64 GCC package on Cygwin. Normally, anything 
>cygwin gets installed to /usr, however, with gcc 4.6, the locales data 
>Charles suggested installing to /opt/mingw64, this doesn't fit well with 
>the cygwin model, but no clashes there. This allows mingw-w64 GCC 
>version to be independent of Cygwin's.

I'd want to check with Corinna on this but I am mildly opposed to putting
this in /opt.  I don't think it makes sense there.  But I haven't been
following closely, though.  Where does Debian put these packages?


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