On 27 July 2011 08:08, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jul 26 20:36, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> On 26 July 2011 09:17, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> > What about modernizing the Cygwin icon?
>> I quite like Chuck's take on this.
>> >  Or, what about having a mintty
>> > terminal icon with a small C in it? The only problem with this is, I'm
>> > anything but an artist...
>> Me neither, which is why I just picked an existing generic terminal
>> icon that I liked.
>> Regarding Warren's effort, the challenge is that it still needs to
>> look good at 16x16.
>> (Btw, mintty's --icon/-i option can be used to stick any icon on its window.)
> So setup could create the default shortcuts with the -i option and
> just use the Cygwin icon?


(I might also have a go at making mintty automatically pick up the
icon of the shortcut it's invoked from, if any. Won't happen quickly


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