On 08/08/2011 01:01 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Aug  7 20:31, Peter Li wrote:
This builds out of the box; I just pulled the packaging files from
cygports (thanks!).  Think it's worth adding to main distro though.

It's in most distros:

category: Archive
requires: libbz2_1 libgcc1 libstdc++6
sdesc: "Parallel BZIP2 de/compressor"
ldesc: "PBZIP2 is a parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting
file compressor that uses pthreads and achieves near-linear speedup on
SMP machines. The output of this version is fully compatible with bzip2."

If I get a green light I'll go ahead and upload the package from my
laptop when I get a moment.
Sure.  Usually you ITP with URLs to the package files already.  It's not
so much a question of allowance, but of your intention to maintain a
package in the Cygwin distro.
As they distribute a "windows" binary with cygwin.dll, I presume there will be minimal build problems in future. The maintainers seem active and responsive. So I think I can commit to maintain the Cygwin package.

wget -x -nH --cut-dirs=2 \

Separately, I'm curious what the upshot was on this earlier
discussion of pbzip2 incompatibilities:
I think that's fixed in setup.  Jon applied a couple of patches to
setup on 2011-04-08 which are related, AFAICS.
Thanks! I guess ultimately what I'm keen to know is whether this was a problem that is pbzip2's "fault" (and did bugs get submitted to them) or a problem that was purely setup.exe's "fault" or some other category...


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