On 12/08/2011 13:09, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

> Besides the version update to 4.5.3, there are several changes over the
> distro 4.5.0, including:
> * Linked against shared (instead of static) libintl.
> * Fix shared libgnat installation.
> * Fix Java NIO (patch may not be required with recent snapshots).
> * Pass --large-address-aware when, and --tsaware only when, linking
> EXEs.
> * libtool fixup script actually changes .la files.
> * Don't install GCC .la files so that the libtool fixup script will be
> less needed in the future.
> * Revise gcc4-java alternatives usage.

  Thanks.  I'm not too sure about not installing the .la files; won't that
potentially lead to problems for libtool-using projects at link time?  Also,
did you run any testsuites yet?

> We'll all be glad -- myself included -- for you to resume gcc
> development; I have only taken a cursory glance at 4.6.1 (and not even a
> glance at gccgo), and I have no idea where trunk is holding.  If you've
> got time to package stable branches on top of that, fine, otherwise I
> could still handle the packaging side while you focus on development.
> Either way, I think we really need a 4.5.3-2 with at least that patchset
> out as soon as David can finish updating the deps.
> Let me know how you'd like to proceed.

  I just started a build and test cycle using your updated patches+cygport
script; since you have about a million packages to maintain, I may as well
take care of releasing this and free you up for other stuff.


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