> >> On 9/25/2011 6:15 AM, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >> > nosleep has been written originally for Cygwin, so it's not available
> >> > in any Linux distros and needs to be voted on.
> And now I'd really need it for MacOSX.
> Let's see if I'll have enough tuits next week.

I have no experience with OS X, so I can't directly comment on that.  But
if there's a Cocoa or Darwin API that allows you to do things like check
whether AC power is on and keep the computer from going into idle sleep,
then it might be quite easy to port nosleep to OS X.  It's a small program.

For details please see the nosleep project page [1].  I'd like to see
nosleep ported to other platforms, and would be glad to discuss that with
you - maybe in the bug tracker for nosleep, since this is OT here.

A caution:  Being a Linux user, I looked into how one would implement
nosleep in Linux.  From what I can tell, chaos reigns there.  Although ACPI
would seem to be a likely API for it, the way people have been doing it in
practice is desktop-specific with a lot of ugly special cases.  I'm
thinking of Caffeine [2] in particular.  In OS X though, I'd expect things
to be more orderly.

[1] https://launchpad.net/nosleep
[2] https://launchpad.net/caffeine

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