On 03/10/12 21:37, Warren Young wrote:
On 10/2/2012 1:10 PM, David Stacey wrote:
On 02/10/12 02:27, Warren Young wrote:
You should keep using -1 for subsequent build attempts
Apologies for that. I was following the advice here:

I was sure I'd seen Corinna complain about a -1 to -2 during a similar discussion over a proposed package upload, but even if my recollection is correct, I think the public document takes precedence.

Thanks to Warren and Christopher for the clarification. I'll revert to a -1 name - you all have to promise not to get confused :-)

2. /usr/share/doc/doxygen/latex should be removed,

I agree completely, but I kept the 'latex' directory for a couple of
reasons. Firstly, this was consistent with the previous build of doxygen
(1.7.4-1), which included the latex directory [1].

Yes, I realize you were just following my previous example, but I'm far from infallible. I saw something in your package I would have removed from mine if I'd realized that at the time.

I had a private e-mail yesterday from someone requesting that the latex directory be retained. No reason was given. If Sergio would like to reply to the mailing list with his reasons then I will consider them. However, in the absence of a compelling argument, Warren has convinced me: the latex directory will go. I'll generate a PDF of the manual and include that as Warren suggested.

There's a bogus test in Doxygen's configure script, where it goes
looking for dot(1) from GraphViz.  It does a weak check for it in a
few common locations, and yells if it isn't there.  dot(1) being a
filter, there isn't a huge penalty for using the native Windows
version, which of course doesn't get installed in any of those
locations.  It would be nice to either 1) send upstream a test using
the PATH instead of a hardcoded list; or 2) adopt Yaakov's GraphViz

If the configure script doesn't detect dot(1) then it isn't the end of
the world - you can specify the location of the dot executable by
specifying DOT_PATH in the project configuration file:

Are you sure Doxygen doesn't use dot during the package build process, such as part of building Doxygen's own manual? I don't see why it would bother trying to find it at configure time otherwise.

There is a HAVE_DOT in the project configuration file, and I was hoping that doxygen might be clever and default this to YES or NO based on the test in the configure file - but I don't think it does! I've had a quick grep through the source code, and the only apparent use of this dot(1) check is that one of the examples gets skipped if dot(1) is missing.

I will try to have the next doxygen package ready for about this time tomorrow. Thank you for all your advice with this - hopefully we're nearly there now!


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